The mission of Living Hope Fellowship is to partner with God in the building of God's people into a home for the presence of God’s Holy Spirit.  

The whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the LORD, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit
— Ephesians 2:21,22

Living Hope Fellowship strives to accomplish it's mission by means of 

1. The pursuit of present outpouring of the Holy Spirit  - Revival

2. The Leadership of those who prepare for and invoke the presence of God - Spiritual Worship

3. The Raising up of evangelists and Evangelism by the power of the Spirit and Works of Mercy - Gathering (The living stones for building the house of God)

4. The Raising up of those who nurture new believers through care, encouragement and contact - Serving

5. The Leadership of trainers and mentors - Discipleship and Teaching

6. Carrying this mission to the nations - Missions

7. Connecting with the larger house of God in the earth - Unity